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Re: [wsia] FW: Regrets for 10 May 02 teleconference

  • 1.  Re: [wsia] FW: Regrets for 10 May 02 teleconference

    Posted 04-29-2002 12:18
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    Subject: Re: [wsia] FW: Regrets for 10 May 02 teleconference

    For clarification -- we're having our biweekly conference call this Friday
    the 3rd, 2 weeks after the F2F, and hence then again on the 17th...there
    will be no call on the 10th.
    Swearingen Sandra Civ AFCA/ITCM <Sandra.Swearingen@scott.af.mil> on
    04/29/2002 11:45:49 AM
    To:    WSIA <wsia@lists.oasis-open.org>
    cc:    Swearingen Sandra Civ AFCA/ITCM <Sandra.Swearingen@scott.af.mil>
    Subject:    [wsia] FW: Regrets for 10 May 02 teleconference
    I regret that I will not be able to participate in the 10 May
    teleconference because I will be out of the office.
    Ms Sandra Swearingen
    GS-13, Computer Scientist
    DSN:� 779-6830 (Commercial:� 618-229-6830)
    FAX:� DSN 779-5339
    e-mail:� sandra.swearingen@scott.af.mil

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