OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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  • 1.  [wsia] [minutes] 8/15/02

    Posted 08-16-2002 16:45
    OASIS Web Services for Interactive Applications Technical Committee 15 August 2002 teleconference 12:00-1:00pm EST Minutes Attendance William Cox BEA Graeme Riddell Bowstreet y Greg Giles Cisco Srinivas Vadhri Commerce One Kirk Wilson Computer Associates y Sean Fitts Crossweave Timothy N. Jones Crossweave y Peter Quintas Divine Sandra Swearingen DoD Monica Martin Drake Certivo y Alan Kropp Epicentric y Patel Ashish France Telecom Aditi Karandikar France Telecom Royston Sellman HP Eric van Lyndegraf Kinzan Charles Wiecha IBM (chair) y Dan Gisolfi IBM Ravi Konuru IBM Rich Thompson IBM y Shankar Ramaswamy IBM y T.V. Raman IBM Rex Brooks individual y Kevin Brinkley Intel Michael Mahan Nokia Martin Chapman Oracle Terry Cline Peregrine Systems Sasha Aicken Plumtree Stefan Beck SAP Howard Melman Silverstream Jeffrey C. Broberg Silverstream Suresh Damodaran Sterling Commerce Eilon Reshef WebCollage Gil Tayar WebCollage William Cox BEA Agenda 1. Review of the agenda for the F2F in September (PDF posted to list) 2. Capturing open issues for the Embedded spec from WSIA requirements 3. Review of the status of the Customized draft spec 4. Moving forward with the Coordination use case Meeting 12:00 roll call + minutes. 12:05 Review of F2F agenda / property description metadata - Charlie Reviewed F2F agenda - Monday focusing on customization and metadata for properties. Aiming to also bring Coordinated Use Case into that discussion (single producer, cross-entity). Have been progressing property management in the Customized Use Case, looking to use the "model" side of XForms to do this. Still trying to get WSRP / WSIA alignment on the property interfaces at the entity level. It popped up as a todo at the last F2F, so trying to get it squared away before this next one. Customized is focused on entity-based scenarios around properties, and have a proposal for a way for a Portal Administrator to use that same mechanism. That's not been reviewed within WSRP yet. Might be possible to use that same mechanism for the session properties. Alan elaborated a Use Case suggesting how the session-based properties might be relevant to WSRP scenarios. viz, Where the portal vendor is a fat consumer, modeling and mapping entities with a hierarchical preference set, not wishing to force that property management on a producer. ie, No need for the producer to know about entity relationships that the consumer has. So the conversation with the producer would just be for the session level properties. This brings up the question of understanding what is the core need of WSRP. Moving to the session level would imply thinner producers. Separately, but related - object model discussion. Can we promote the session as a narrowing of the entity? The two are treated separately today with different operations and args. Need to pursue a discussion of whether it makes sense to hide one behind the other. Pragmatically, is it too late for this, causing too much disruption, or is it just the right thing to do? Alternative way of stating / implementing this - We're talking about the entity as being a specialized session state, so the user session starts as an entiry and evolves at runtime. The entity "clone" does some work and goes away. (Not looking to address or change shared session or lifecycle semantics with this). action: Charlie - to write up this use case and circulate it. 12:40 Review of Customized - Tim Reviewed the doc sent out to the list on 8/14. Reviewed XForms usage for property descriptions, showing separation of schema/model info, and instance data. [Nice :-) - Ed. ] Unanswered question - should setting property on session bubble through to the entity? Needs discussion, and sounds related to the earlier debate. 1:00 out of time - adjourn.