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Subject: RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F
The step from an opaque remote reference to a GUID is significant ... we
should talk through how valuable it is.
Separately, I see that you are saying we could design the standard such
that any specification oriented infrastructure could operate in a case
insensitive manner ... Again, we should talk through the value of such a
choice given the inherent cost involved (most systems would map to one of
the cases prior to testing) as well as the restrictions on values this
would impose. Where are you seeing value to requiring case insensitivity?
"Vadhri, Srinivas"
<Srinivas.Vadhri@comme To: Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS,>
04/30/2002 02:25 PM Subject: RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F
Let us assume the information in a Handle constitutes a GUID. It
constitutes both alpha-numeric characters (again, a Handle is just an
example to explain my point - could be any process in the life cycle of a
WSIA). The GUID will be higher case and could be lower case - a string in
either case should be uniquely same. For e.g.let assume you are passing a
parameter "WERTrrr429893484SFGSGGG....", which in a case-insensitive world
the parameter has the same value and meaning, and could be different in a
case-sensitive world (could even be construed as a totally different
parameter by the receving WS application).
There could be numerous other information that are being passed through (at
the operational level) - I am not concerned about what is inside the
XML/... messages (in the body). The information that is used for processing
at a header level in the context of WSIA.
From a WSIA point of view, could this be a requirement?
Srinivas Vadhri