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Subject: [wsia] Agenda for Thursday 8/29 Noon Eastern WSIA committee meeting
The agenda for this Thursday's (8/29 Noon Eastern) full WSIA committee
meeting is:
1. Planning details for the F2F in September; materials required and
volunteers to lead discussion on:
a) draft joint spec and how it maps onto Embedded use case
b) property metadata and interface proposal and relationship with
Customized use case
c) extending property mechanisms into Coordinated use case
d) steps for moving forward: revising property interfaces, starting
on coordination
2. Capturing open issues for the Embedded spec from WSIA requirements for
discussion at the F2F
3. Review of the status of the Customized draft spec
4. Moving forward with the Coordination use case
The call in information is:
USA Toll Free Number: 888-282-2156
USA Toll Number: +1-712-247-0358
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