OASIS Web Services for Interactive Applications Technical Committee 12 July 2002 teleconference 12:00-1:00pm EST Minutes Attendance William Cox BEA Graeme Riddell Bowstreet y Greg Giles Cisco Srinivas Vadhri Commerce One Kirk Wilson Computer Associates y Sean Fitts Crossweave Tim Jones Crossweave y Peter Quintas Divine Sandra Swearingen DoD Monica Martin Drake Certivo y Alan Kropp Epicentric Patel Ashish France Telecom Aditi Karandikar France Telecom Royston Sellman HP Eric van Lyndegraf Kinzan y Charles Wiecha IBM (chair) y Dan Gisolfi IBM Ravi Konuru IBM Rich Thompson IBM y Shankar Ramaswamy IBM T.V.Raman IBM Rex Brooks individual y John Kneiling inidividual (removing from the list) Kevin Brinkley Intel Michael Mahan Nokia Martin Chapman Oracle Terry Cline Peregrine Systems Sasha Aicken Plumtree Stefan Beck SAP Howard Melman Silverstream Jeffrey C. Broberg Silverstream Suresh Damodaran Sterling Commerce Eilon Reshef WebCollage Gil Tayar WebCollage Agenda 1. Roll call and minutes 2. Update on joint interface spec and WSIA goals for the next draft 3. Plans for preparing a draft Customization spec in parallel with the joint interfaces. Meeting 12:00 roll call + minutes. To fulfill the decision made prior to the F2F of staggering these calls with the WSRP calls we'll meet again Friday of next week (19th) and then the following Thursday (25th) and then every other Thursday. Rex is now the webmaster and is bringing the site up to date. Subcommittee minutes should be forwarded to the list so they can be posted too. 12:10 Status of joint interfaces and WSIA-specific goals 0.21 of the joint spec is coming out today. Also starting the process of putting a User Guide together (strawman was developed at F2F). Smaller group also looking at an object model and extensibility model that might lead to some refactoring and layering - Policy and Design issues came up at the F2F. Day 1 of WSRP suggested that the interface was made too complex by trying to do stateful/stateless, persistence, user state, etc. Rich leading effort to back up and see if we can identify separate objects in the interface to simplify the functionality. This might allow easier extension and selection and pluggability of the functionality. This might reintroduce choice of a vocabulary of operation names and signatures that are a little more specific to WSRP and WSIA. (We've had the idea that there would be a joint spec that accommodated WSRP with a single interface and set of operations. That interface is broader than expected, so we're starting to feel (and investigate) that there may actually be separate interfaces that work alongside each other.) Thoughts on this? - So long as we figure out how to piggyback WSIA on top of the base protocol it should be ok? But will we then have a joint spec? The joint spec might then be the Embedded case. - Can we not build on top of WSRP? Two concerns are then a) operation naming would likely be too portlet-specific, and (b) danger that a portal-specific API would not be able to support non-portal consumers. - General rule should be same that the same function should not be allowed in both the WSRP and WSIA interfaces? We should be able to achieve a joint spec at the component/lifecycle level. The entity stuff might become specific to WSRP. Aim to have a joint spec at the lowest level that both WSRP and WSIA can build on. But we're probably in trouble if the bottom of the stack is not common - we'd end up with 2 specs. 12:35 Customization (Tim) Latest thinking is to piggyback cutomizable properties on top of the joint protocol and reuse joint interfaces. Specifically starting to work on initializing model instance values on the producer. Also given the current factoring effort, we probably have the opportunity to carry forward a property interface. Point of clarification - need to emphasize that the property interface does not extend the opaque state of the producer but it is a view of the opaque state (of the producer properties). The other issue is how and where those properties are described. Tim & Ravi leading this effort. A draft is expected by September F2F in conjunction with 1.0 of the joint spec. The property description stuff especially should be orthogonal to joint interfaces spec. A: Tim - Aim to have an outline of the draft document by this Wednesday's Customization conf call. 12:40 other stuff Next F2F in front of WSRP on Sept 9th-12th, hosted by IBM in Munich/Stuttgart. Next conf call Friday 19th. 12:45 adjourn.