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Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R905 and 601]
I think all these levels are appropriate at times:
- Requirements on the specification: Guidelines for the TC as it writes
the spec.
- Requirements on Producers & Consumers: Processing models and semantics
- Requirements on artifacts: Restrictions on the artifacts that are
exchanged as part of the protocol.
Some requirements have implications on all of these levels. This particular
one places requirements on an artifact (eg. Presentation Fragments), on the
TC (eg. minimal restrictions on markup types) and Producers/Consumers (eg.
setting & processing whatever the spec defines as the standard means to
achieve unique tokens).
"Monica Martin"
<mmartin@certivo. To: "Rex Brooks" <>, Rich
net> Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, <>
05/22/2002 01:20 Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R905 and 601]
This gets back to my question today. Is the use of "specification" to
mean the WSIA Web Service. What can a specification do? Perhaps the
answer is "Provide the capability for xx to do yy."
Thanks, Rex.