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[wsia] WSIA specific WSDL interfaces and protocols subcommittee,Summary of phone meeting May 1 2002.

  • 1.  [wsia] WSIA specific WSDL interfaces and protocols subcommittee,Summary of phone meeting May 1 2002.

    Posted 05-02-2002 13:58
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    Subject: [wsia] WSIA specific WSDL interfaces and protocols subcommittee,Summary of phone meeting May 1 2002.

    Folks, here is a summary of the sub committee meeting and thoughts on the
    committee's  role and charter and relationship to other
    WSIA subcommittees. Please let us know your comments.
    Members: Dan, Shankar, Rich, Gil, Alan, Terry, Monica, Graeme, Sean,
    Present: Terry, Sean, Ravi, Gil, Shankar, Rich
    Thoughts on the group's role:
     - Concrete interfaces and protocols, binding: while other sub-committees
       work on work-group specific interfaces, we bring the interfaces to
       gether, think how they would be reflected as wsdl porttypes and other
       operations so that sub-interfaces would all work together in a
       consistent manner. In particular the  interfaces that are WSIA specific
       need to be extensions of the embedded/WSRP interface and build on their
       protocol specification.
    -  Rationalizaton: Put everything together, reference implementation/demo?
    (RK: we need to
       define this early in our charter. A thought is to highlight a scenario
       that would actually get built).
    Thoughts on the process/activities to effectively play the role.
    1. Concrete interface, bindings, and protocols
             - internal place holder/strawman  interface[s] and description
    developed in parallel to the other joint groups to facilitate discussion
    and  rationalization through implementation. [RK: this implies that we
    would have to be up on wsdl and related standards and potentially raise
    requirements and play with different technologies]
            - Based on the relative pace of the other sub-committes, either
    provide input or amend internal strawman and re-rationalize. We also expect
    that the other committes focus more on the interface definition at an idl
    level while this committee focuses on the best practices for converting
    into wsdl and related protocol issues. [RK: Concern was expressed by Rich
    that instead of idl level, other committees should provide their output at
    the wsdl signature level since thats what we are trying to define.
    Counterargument is that creation of wsdl by the subcommittes might actually
    be a distraction when trying to convey the semantics of what the
    sub-committtes are trying to achieve. Comments?]. This could be an
    iterative process.
    2. We will have active representatives in each sub- committee to facilitate
    the exchange of ideas.
    3. Reference implementation (end of the third quarter).
          - Sanity check
          - some development experience to assess reasonableness,
          -  performance
          -  lastly a demo that we can use to drive the effectiveness of WSIA.
    Ravi Konuru

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