OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wsia] [wsrp-wsia] Spec v0.91

  • 1.  [wsia] [wsrp-wsia] Spec v0.91

    Posted 02-03-2003 12:55
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia] [wsrp-wsia] Spec v0.91

    Here is an update to the spec reflecting the decisions of last week's F2F. 
    Items we had left open:
    1. Proposed change in 6.3.2 ... to be revisited after the JSR168 F2F as 
    the language may impact synchronization efforts.
    2. Sasha will propose text to add to section 1.2.4
    3. WSDL subgroup will work on how to represent XML fragments in 
    MarkupContext in section 6.1.10
    4. Desire to find a better name for MarkupType (5.1.10). Suggestions have 
    included MarkupSupport and MarkupFormat.
      Could you get these updated on the WSRP site? 
      The WSDL and XSD files should go in 
    Thanks, Rich Thompson

    Attachment: WSRP Specification v0.91.doc
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_v1_Types.xsd
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_v1_Binding.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_v1_Interfaces.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_Service.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

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