OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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  • 1.  [wsia] [minutes] 8/29/02

    Posted 08-30-2002 17:00
    OASIS Web Services for Interactive Applications Technical Committee 29 August 2002 teleconference 12:00-1:00pm EST Minutes Attendance Graeme Riddell, Bowstreet Tim Jones, Crossweave Monica Martin, Drake Certivo Alan Kropp, Epicentric Charles Wiecha, IBM (chair) Ravi Konuru, IBM Rich Thompson, IBM Rex Brooks, individual Agenda 1. Planning details for the F2F in September; materials required and volunteers to lead discussion on: a) draft joint spec and how it maps onto Embedded use case b) property metadata and interface proposal and relationship with Customized use case c) extending property mechanisms into Coordinated use case d) steps for moving forward: revising property interfaces, starting on coordination 2. Capturing open issues for the Embedded spec from WSIA requirements for discussion at the F2F 3. Review of the status of the Customized draft spec 4. Moving forward with the Coordination use case Meeting 12:00 roll call + minutes. 12:05 Review of F2F agenda - Charlie Aiming to review Embedded spec, particularly how it's serviced by reccent thoughts on an object model. Alan's passed through the draft to (re)map it to WSIA requirements spec, Rich planning to review that and make sure requirements are cross-referenced. Alan expecting to go through it again with a focus on security and user profile sections. Will want to review the object model proposals - Rich, Charlie and Carsten to lead that. Rich concerned that maybe have not yet looked into property values part of the spec sufficiently, probably worth focusing on the non-property values part of the spec on Monday. When reviewing OM, probably want to review how it offers a lighterweight solution when not communicating portal-to-portal. Ravi raised concern that WSRP suggests Edit, Design etc actions are required to be supported - Need to make sure that these are not mandatory in the Embedded case. Ravi & Rich to lead a review of the markup and property defs from the Embedded perspective. 12:20 Status of Customized - Ravi WSRP doesn't separate property descriptions from values - Customized looking to make that distinction, and suggestions and examples of XForms syntax for that have been circulating. To help in the presentation to the WSRP folks the doc could probably do with some more examples and more description of motivation for the approach. So at the F2F probably want to present description and general advantages of XForms model before getting into discussion of session/entity scopes. Might want to brainstorm if there are any other scopes not yet identified, and finish with presentation of application of XForms description to Customized case. Ravi - the XForms model hasn't been fully mapped to the interfaces yet, so can't go to that level of detail, but can certainly present approach and general idea. So for presentation prep for F2F: action: Charlie - overview of model approach, why is it a good idea action: Tim/Bruce - pull together XForms notation and examples action: Ravi - how it's a uniform approach across the spectrum of complexity, how it broadens out and applies to session scope and how it relates to use cases (specifically probably the "punch out" scenario and another more interactive one). (Alan to help Ravi find those Use Cases). 12:35 Coordinated Have been discovering through the prototyping that if we have a consumer oriented definition linking property values across entities, it can work. So it might make sense to now start examining cross-entity notation, a declarative wiring mechanism based on the entity descriptions. Monica - wanted to raise UDDI / Reg-Rep and its usage so it doesn't slip off the radar. 12:45 adjourn