OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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  • 1.  [wsia][wsia-requirements][R130]

    Posted 05-17-2002 15:36
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R130]

    Here are the modified requiremetns documents ... the 'a' version is prior
    to accepting changes and rearranging the requirements by functional
    categories. In addition to those changes, the 'b' version has consistent
    capitalization of words like 'MUST' and Consumer. I also noted and
    implemented the global change of 'property' to 'context data'.
    (See attached file: WSIA reqs 2002-05-17a.doc)(See attached file: WSIA reqs
    Requirements still needing attention include:
          Overlap between R601 & E905
          Overlap between R702 & E904
          Monica's recent email:
             WSIA Web Services SHOULD provide the capability for those
             Fragments, returned by the Producer, can be requested and relayed
             through the Consumer.
             WSIA Web Service SHOULD provide the capability for Presentation
             Fragments to reference end-user requests for external resources.

    Attachment: WSIA reqs 2002-05-17a.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

    Attachment: WSIA reqs 2002-05-17b.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

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