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Subject: RE: [wsrp-wsia] Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Re: [wsia][wsrp][wsrp-wsia jointinterfaces]: An alternative
Title: RE: [wsrp-wsia] Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Re:
That, calling producers portlets doesn't work for WSIA which has
a much larger set of requirements than WSRP-specific concerns. We are
doing the joint work first so that the terminology will work across
the spectrum. Using wsrp or wsia prefixes would solve that problem.
Also, portlet is a term that is already specific to a pre-existing API
in wide use.
At 2:02 PM -0400 6/17/02, Jeff Broberg wrote:
Why don't we call the producer service
just portlet?
Broberg] thought that by abstracting the producer service away
from a portlet that we could reuse the term for wsia. but would
like to hear others opinions.
About Session, I would like to see a more detailed definition
including how it relates to the client.
[Jeff Broberg] will
work on it
Jeff Broberg wrote:
Mike -
I agree. The current model, while clearly understood by many, I
believe is being interpreted in slightly different ways, enough so, to
be causing all the confusion and concern you mentiono. I still
believe a very high level diagram of the relationships between the
client - consumer - producer would be extremely beneficial. I am
not sure how to draw that, as each conference call, the diagram I draw
is different from the one before. So for me, to get this all
straight, I quess it comes down to definitions. And from those
definitions we can determine relationships, etc. So, I took the
liberty of using some of the statements that you made in your email,
to see if they are agreed upon or not. This will also be helping
for the definitions in the glossary. So here goes:
client = an end user
consumer = an intemediary responsible for
the aggregation and control of heterogeneous producer services,
responsible for the interaction between the client and the producer
services placed on the clients application interface.
producer = a container of producer
producer service = the WSIA/WSRP compliant
service ( aka. portlet )
template = a producer service, with
initial settings specified
entity = an instance of a producer service
( potentially based on a template )
transient entity = an instance of a
producer service
persistent entity = an instance of a
producer service + persistent data
session scope = is a shared scope between
all entities within a producer that a consumer chooses to group
together. This can be all the entities of the producer, a subset
of entities, and even at the extreme one session per
While, I know some of the definitions are
terse, I am trying to see if the relationships are correct.
Because half the battle during these discussions is trying to
understand what everyone is saying, especially when we are all working
off of various interpretations of what the terms actually mean.
So, please, let me know, where my interpretation is wrong, and
hopefully from these definitions, the relationships will be evident,
and our efforts can proceed.
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