OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

  • 1.  RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

    Posted 04-30-2002 15:59
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

    Well, when we have disparate systems interacting, and we are making a
    recommendation for a standard for interaction, thought now is the time we
    specify this. There is definitely a cost, but I personally feel it increases
    the flexibility in the interaction (I have personally seen in a few
    instances of large web-based integration projects where half way down the
    line we realised the case-sensitive nature of applications, and it was a
    huge/costly integration issue). 
    Bottom-line: whether it is case-sensitive or in-sensitive, I think we just
    need to spell it out. 
    (apologies for jumping into a GUID example.. did'nt know how far I was