OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wsia] wsia specific wsdl and interfaces subcommittee meeting,minutes and decision, May 15, 2002

  • 1.  [wsia] wsia specific wsdl and interfaces subcommittee meeting,minutes and decision, May 15, 2002

    Posted 05-17-2002 16:15
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [wsia] wsia specific wsdl and interfaces subcommittee meeting,minutes and decision, May 15, 2002

    This sub-committee decided given the current status of WSIA specific
    requirements (specifically the customized case), the committee will not
    have regular meetings until the next f2f at which point the situation will
    be reevaluated. Meeting may be spontaneously called for by any of the
    committee members.
    The group will
          - focus its energies on helping other committees such as  joint
    interfaces, customization, and security  in achieving their targets
          - learning about requirements and standards, and trends in the
    process and
          - feed the learning towards a defining a better specification.
    Ravi Konuru

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