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[wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen - 1st Reminder

  • 1.  [wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen - 1st Reminder

    Posted 08-12-2002 10:03
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    Subject: [wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen - 1st Reminder

    Folks -- reminder to please confirm with Lothar your plans for
    participating in the Sept 9-12 WSIA/WSRP F2F.
    Thanks, Charlie
    ----- Forwarded by Lothar Merk/Germany/IBM on 12.08.2002 08:35 -----
                          Lothar Merk                                                                                                
                                                   To:       wsrplist                                                                
                          12.08.2002 08:35         cc:                                                                               
                                                   From:     Lothar Merk/Germany/IBM@IBMDE                                           
                                                   Subject:  WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen - 1st Reminder                      
    Hi All,
    up to now we have 11 registrations for the WSIA/WSRP meeting (September
    9th-12th) in Boeblingen/Germany.
    Please reply to this e-mail until August 23rd to indicate if you will
    physically attend the meeting. Please also indicate if you will attend all
    4 days or only parts of the meeting.
    You can find the preliminary agenda and information about the meeting
    location/hotel at "

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