I looked at the latest version of the vocabulary. It is in a Word document. I'd like to describe how vocabulary documents are produced at OSLC. The OSLC workflow for vocabulary documents is to: 1. write them as Turtle files 2. run a small build script that generates an HTML page 3. embed the HTML in the wiki Turtle is used as the source format because it is the easiest RDF format for humans to write and read. The build script does the following: 1. convert the Turtle to RDF/XML using the Jena SDK 2. convert the RDF/XML to HTML using an XSLT stylesheet We now have a wiki. To demonstrate, I have created a wiki page for the vocabulary and embedde the HTML I previously generated. [1] I have uploaded all the source to our Documents repository (this is simpler than using SVN). The files are build.xml (ANT build script) vocabulary-oasis.xsl (XSLT script) promcode-vocabulary.ttl (Turtle source) promcode-vocabulary.rdf (generated RDF/XML) promcode-vocabulary.html (generated HTML - gets embedded in wiki page) The benefit of generating the HTML from the Turtle is that formatting, cross references, and hyperlinks are added automatically. These are hard to maintain manually. The reason the wiki is used is that the RDF terms in the vocabulary should be available on the web. We should make the PROMCODE terms dereferenceable by setting up HTTP redirects to the wiki page. All OSLC vocabulary terms are dereferenceable. This means that if you want to know the meaning of an OSLC term, just put its URI in the browser, e.g. try
http://open-services.net/ns/core#ResourceShape I recommend that we follow the OSLC process. [1]
https://wiki.oasis-open.org/oslc-promcode/PromcodeVocabulary Regards, ___________________________________________________________________________ Arthur Ryman, PhD Chief Data Officer, Rational Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management Distinguished Engineer Master Inventor Academy of Technology Toronto Lab +1-905-413-3077 (office) +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)