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Fw: eclipse/Lyo RIO: Reference Implementations for OSLC

  • 1.  Fw: eclipse/Lyo RIO: Reference Implementations for OSLC

    Posted 08-03-2017 16:12
    OASIS OSLC TC Members, F.Y.I. Below is a summary of the current OSLC reference implementations on eclipse/lyo. Anyone interested in contributing to reference implementations is welcome to comment on future direction for eclipse/lyo, and to join eclipse.org and contribute! Jim Amsden, Senior Technical Staff Member OSLC and Linked Lifecycle Data 919-525-6575 ----- Forwarded by Jim Amsden/Raleigh/IBM on 08/03/2017 11:56 AM ----- From:         Jim Amsden/Raleigh/IBM To:         "Lyo project developer discussions" <lyo-dev@eclipse.org> Date:         08/03/2017 11:55 AM Subject:         eclipse/Lyo RIO: Reference Implementations for OSLC There are currently three different RIOs for OSLC, built on different architectures: one built on REST, another on OSLC4J, and a third built OSLC Core 3.0. There three different implementations are currently all in the same repository: org.eclipse.lyo.rio, and are missing README.md files that describe these different architectures to distinguish the different implementations. As we move forward with eclipse/lyo, we may want to refactor these existing implementations into different repositories, and provide some minimal documentation of their architecture so that potential users can use them appropriately. In addition, any additional reference implementation work that we might do for OSLC Core 3.0 and, Change and Configuration Management 1.0, PROMCODE, etc. should be based on an architecture and possible changes to OSLC4J that maximize the value and reuse potential of this work. 1. OLD RIO codes built before OSLC4J, may be OSLC 1.0 too. Last commits were close to 3 years ago * org.eclipse.rio.am * org.eclipse.rio.cm * org.eclipse.rio.core * org.eclipse.rio.rm * org.eclipse.rio.qm 2. oslc4j.rio - newer RIO based on OSLC4J, built with org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.rio.build * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation</module> * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation.test * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement.test * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement.test 3. OSLCv3 RIO - sample code for OSLC Core and Change Management 3.0 implementation * oslc-v3-rio This is a sample CM 3.0 server that is not built on OSLC4J or org.eclipse.lyo.ldp.build. It is incomplete and out of date with OSLC Core and CM 3.0. This project was primarily developed to experiment with different implementation approaches for OSLC, especially leveraging LDP capabilities, and to provide a reference implementation for developing a test suite for the OSLC Core 3.0 specification normative clauses. This work was not completed. We should assess this sample to determine if it should be completed, and possibly used to guide future development of OSLC4J. We may also want to explore OSLC4JS for a Node.js based implementation of OSLC Core 3.0. See http://oslc.github.io/developing-oslc-applications/oslc-open-source-node-projects.html . Refactoring Proposal These three different implementations are currently all in the org.eclipse.lyo.rio repository. This repository should be refactored into the different implementations, they are not particularly related. The new repositories should be hosted in the GitHub OSLC organization in order to eliminate the eclipse process overhead for things that are not delivered as part of the OSLC4J SDK OSLC/REST-RIOs (Using Wink OslcRestClient.java) * org.eclipse.rio.am * org.eclipse.rio.cm * org.eclipse.rio.core * org.eclipse.rio.rm * org.eclipse.rio.qm * org.eclipse.lyo.rio.template-webapp * org.eclipse.lyo.rio.trs * org.eclipse.lyo.rio.trs.tests OSLC/OSLC4J-RIOs * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.automation.test * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.changemanagement.test * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement.common * org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.qualitymanagement.test OSLC/OSLCv3-RIOs * oslc-v3-rio Jim Amsden, Senior Technical Staff Member OSLC and Linked Lifecycle Data 919-525-6575