OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Mgmt of Contracted Delivery (PROMCODE) TC

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Groups - Appendix PROMCODE Vocaburary uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - Appendix PROMCODE Vocaburary uploaded

    Posted 08-13-2014 08:44
    Submitter's message This is updated draft proposal of PROMCODE Vocaburary according to the revised model in the following documents.


    Some isssues remains

    1. rdf:type or dcterms:type should be fixed in some resources properties.
    2. Compliance to OASIS document format
    3. Review is not completed of contents

    i) Red keyword represents modification from original.
    ii) Yellow marker sentence may removed after model is fixed.
    iii) OASIS TOSCA seems to have no vocabulary appendix. -- Mr. Shigeaki Matsumoto Document Name : Appendix PROMCODE Vocaburary Description This is updated draft proposal of PROMCODE Vocaburary according to the revised model in the following documents.


    Some isssues remains

    1. rdf:type or dcterms:type should be fixed in some resources properties.
    2. Compliance to OASIS document format
    3. Review is not completed of contents Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Shigeaki Matsumoto Group : OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) TC Folder : Documents Date submitted : 2014-08-13 01:43:33