OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Mgmt of Contracted Delivery (PROMCODE) TC

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Inverse properties and OSLC 3.0 Vocabulary Annotation Vocabulary

  • 1.  Inverse properties and OSLC 3.0 Vocabulary Annotation Vocabulary

    Posted 04-10-2014 17:34
    fyi, the issue concerning inverse properties has been discussed at length at OSLC. There is a proposal for OSLC 3.0 at [1]. Please review this since it is relevant to the PROMCODE vocabulary. [1] http://open-services.net/wiki/core/Vocabulary-Annotation-Vocabulary/ Regards, ___________________________________________________________________________ Arthur Ryman, PhD Chief Data Officer, Rational Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management Distinguished Engineer Master Inventor Academy of Technology Toronto Lab +1-905-413-3077 (office) +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)