OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Mgmt of Contracted Delivery (PROMCODE) TC

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  • 1.  Fwd: comments on CS02

    Posted 01-27-2022 01:04
    ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: èçåå < kazuo.yabuta@gmail.com > Date: 2022å1æ27æ(æ) 0:59 Subject: comments on CS02 To: < workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org > PROMCODE TC, I found inappropriate descriptions for two points and I think they needs to be corrected. These fixes are three cover pages and Appendix B. and it is not directly related to the specification itself. (1) Cover page: Invalid affiliation and email address The affiliations and email addresses of Dr.Kamimura, Dr.Yoshida, and Mr.Yabuta are old information and are invalid. It is necessary to rewrite with the latest information. Three cover pages are Part 1: Specification, Part 2: Vocabulary, and Part 3: Constraints. All of the respective cover pages need to be updated. (2) Acknowledgements: Only the member list is available but additional corrections are required. In addition to the members, I think it is necessary to add an acknowledgment to Nanzan University and Professor Aoyama, the former chairperson. Kazuo Yabuta