Lightweight DITA SC

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  • 1.  [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach

    Posted 10-14-2016 11:44
    Hallo,   After we have talked about our marketing template some weeks ago, I have changed some things and add some more definitions. You will find the new/second approach attached. I am not sure if I am allowed to set this in our github. Who can do this, who is allowed to do this?   I haven’t tried to generate a DTD or XSD yet with the scripts form Tim. He has told me that they are nearly finished but not already. That’s why.   Next Monday I can call in. @Michael, maybe you can put marketing on the agenda for Monday?   Kind  regards, Birgit   < > < >   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <topic id="mk02" outputclass="marketingtopic"> <title>Title</title> <prolog> <specmeta> <ph outputclass="brand"/> <ph outputclass="category"/> <ph outputclass="product"/> <ph outputclass="company"/> </specmeta> </prolog> <body outputclass="marketingbody"> <section>...</section> <section outputclass="marketingsection" specmodel="choice"> <title>...</title> <dl outputclass="features"> <dlentry outputclass="feature" specmodel="sequence"> <dt outputclass="featureterm"/> <dd outputclass="featuredef"/> </dlentry> </dl> <dl outputclass="specifications"> <dlentry outputclass="specification" specmodel="sequence"> <dt outputclass="specifiedterm"/> <dd outputclass="specifieddesc"/> </dlentry> </dl> <ul outputclass="highlights"> <li outputclass="highlight"/> </ul> <p outputclass="action"> <xref outputclass="actionref"/> </p> <fig outputclass="quote"> <xref outputclass="quoteref"/> </fig> <p>...</p> <fig>...</fig> </section> <section outputclass="legalsection" specmodel="choice"> <titel>...</titel> <fig outputclass="disclaimer">...</fig> <p outputclass="copyright" specmodel="sequence"> <ph outputclass="copyrightyear" important="optional"/> <ph outputclass="copyrightholder" important="optional"/> </p> <fig outputclass="logo"><image/></fig> </section> <section outputclass="contact" specmodel="sequence"> <p outputclass="company" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="contactperson" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="address" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="phonenumber" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="email" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="website" important="optional">...</p> <p outputclass="addinfo" important="optional">...</p> </section> </body> </topic>


  • 2.  Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach

    Posted 10-14-2016 13:15
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    Dear Birgit and all, I was talking to Bob Thomas yesterday (Bob co-chairs the DITA Technical Communication subcommittee) and he mentioned that for 2.0 they are considering a new topic/vocabulary for marketing. I told him about your work on this specialization. I wonder if we (the LwDITA SC) should evaluate if this is really a lightweight  specialization or something that should be part of DITA XML 2.0... or both? Maybe we can talk about this during Monday's meeting. Best, Carlos --  Carlos Evia, Ph.D. Director of Professional and Technical Writing Associate Professor of Technical Communication Department of English Center for Human-Computer Interaction Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112 (540)200-8201 On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Birgit Strackenbrock < > wrote: Hallo,   After we have talked about our marketing template some weeks ago, I have changed some things and add some more definitions. You will find the new/second approach attached. I am not sure if I am allowed to set this in our github. Who can do this, who is allowed to do this?   I haven’t tried to generate a DTD or XSD yet with the scripts form Tim. He has told me that they are nearly finished but not already. That’s why.   Next Monday I can call in. @Michael, maybe you can put marketing on the agenda for Monday?   Kind  regards, Birgit   < > < >   ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_ workgroups.php

  • 3.  RE: [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach

    Posted 10-14-2016 13:36
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    Dear Carlos, Good idea, let’s talk about that. I have discussed with Jan also. I myself think that we can have both, a really light version in LW and a more complex one in full DITA. I think, the same is for T&L. We have a quite complex T&L in full DITA but should also have some easy/light questions in LW. Birgit   Van: Carlos Evia [] Verzonden: vrijdag 14 oktober 2016 15:14 Aan: Birgit Strackenbrock <> CC: Onderwerp: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach   Dear Birgit and all,   I was talking to Bob Thomas yesterday (Bob co-chairs the DITA Technical Communication subcommittee) and he mentioned that for 2.0 they are considering a new topic/vocabulary for marketing. I told him about your work on this specialization. I wonder if we (the LwDITA SC) should evaluate if this is really a lightweight  specialization or something that should be part of DITA XML 2.0... or both? Maybe we can talk about this during Monday's meeting.   Best,   Carlos --  Carlos Evia, Ph.D. Director of Professional and Technical Writing Associate Professor of Technical Communication Department of English Center for Human-Computer Interaction Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112 (540)200-8201     On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Birgit Strackenbrock < > wrote: Hallo,   After we have talked about our marketing template some weeks ago, I have changed some things and add some more definitions. You will find the new/second approach attached. I am not sure if I am allowed to set this in our github. Who can do this, who is allowed to do this?   I haven’t tried to generate a DTD or XSD yet with the scripts form Tim. He has told me that they are nearly finished but not already. That’s why.   Next Monday I can call in. @Michael, maybe you can put marketing on the agenda for Monday?   Kind  regards, Birgit   < > < >   --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:  

  • 4.  Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach

    Posted 10-14-2016 14:33
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    HI Birgit, Carlos, e.a., "Unfortunately" I will be on a Greek island while you guys have the meeting next Monday - probably wont be able to attend the call. Birgit will be present and talk about the steps she has taken with the Marketing Specialization.  Would be happy to see that this ties into DITA 2 . I will be at Lavacon the week thereafter , looking forward to seeing any of you there! Jan Jan Benedictus - CEO t   +31 70 3191923      ·    m   +31 6 144 82 303 e      ·    w                    s   LinkedIn      ·    s   Twitter 2016-10-14 15:35 GMT+02:00 Birgit Strackenbrock < > : Dear Carlos, Good idea, let’s talk about that. I have discussed with Jan also. I myself think that we can have both, a really light version in LW and a more complex one in full DITA. I think, the same is for T&L. We have a quite complex T&L in full DITA but should also have some easy/light questions in LW. Birgit   Van: Carlos Evia [mailto: ] Verzonden: vrijdag 14 oktober 2016 15:14 Aan: Birgit Strackenbrock < > CC: dita-lightweight-dita@lists. Onderwerp: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] marketing template new approach   Dear Birgit and all,   I was talking to Bob Thomas yesterday (Bob co-chairs the DITA Technical Communication subcommittee) and he mentioned that for 2.0 they are considering a new topic/vocabulary for marketing. I told him about your work on this specialization. I wonder if we (the LwDITA SC) should evaluate if this is really a lightweight  specialization or something that should be part of DITA XML 2.0... or both? Maybe we can talk about this during Monday's meeting.   Best,   Carlos --  Carlos Evia, Ph.D. Director of Professional and Technical Writing Associate Professor of Technical Communication Department of English Center for Human-Computer Interaction Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112 (540)200-8201     On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Birgit Strackenbrock < > wrote: Hallo,   After we have talked about our marketing template some weeks ago, I have changed some things and add some more definitions. You will find the new/second approach attached. I am not sure if I am allowed to set this in our github. Who can do this, who is allowed to do this?   I haven’t tried to generate a DTD or XSD yet with the scripts form Tim. He has told me that they are nearly finished but not already. That’s why.   Next Monday I can call in. @Michael, maybe you can put marketing on the agenda for Monday?   Kind  regards, Birgit   < > < >   ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_ workgroups.php