Lightweight DITA SC

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Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Thoughts on a survey

  • 1.  Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Thoughts on a survey

    Posted 06-29-2016 06:53
    Good catch.  I wondered about that wording, as I think people may struggle to understand.  But then I concluded that the audience for this is not marketing people (who you will likeky lose at the beginning). If I have a bit more context for the intended audience, I might do a little test at client site and then tweak. Rahel On 28 Jun 2016 7:34 p.m., < > wrote: The wording of several questions in this survey speaks to current users of LW-DITA, of which there will not be too many, as we are still in a concept phase of defining it. To get input from areas that we hope to be targeting with LW-DITA, this should be changed to address their current practice and ask what advantages they would expect from using LW-DITA. Depending on the target audience for the survey, an introduction about DITA vs LW-DITA might or might not be relevant. Question 3 seems to lean toward a community that is currently using other lightweight content solutions, but asks which tools are being used to create LW-DITA content. I would expect not a single option to be checked by anyone. The question seems to ask which tools are currently used to create the type of content that could be authored in LW-DITA, but as hardly anyone knows LW-DITA that should be described in a different manner. JSON should be removed from the list of authoring tools in any case, as it is a format, not a tool. Apart from these general remarks, I believe there is at least one error in the elements listed for question 6. The [pre] element is Preformatted text. If Prerequisite is meant, it should be [prereq], but I don't think that is one of the basic block elements for generic authoring. My 2 cents. Op 28 juni 2016 19:34:30 +02:00, schreef : I reviewed the survey and cleaned it up a bit. Here's what I came up with: The Lightweight DITA committee wants to understand more about how DITA is, and could be, used inside of organisations to manage their content more efficiently and get more benefit from their content.   Using DITA allows users to [fill in here with description of lightweight DITA]   Which of the following  roles are creating DITA today in your organization? Choose as many options as apply. If possible, point us to an example by providing a URL for each type of content you now produce using DITA.   [will need to have clearly-indicated field for URLs or comments] Content designers Content developers Content editors Customer support staff Embedded assistance authors Help/UA authors Marketing communicators Policy and procedure authors Product documentation authors Sales people Trainers - Non-technical Trainers - technical Software Designers Software Developers Support staff (Pas) Subject matter experts - non-technical (eg marketing) Subject matter experts - technical Other (specify)   In which content areas are you considering Lightweight DITA? Choose as many options as apply. If possible, point us to an example by providing a URL for each type of content you would like to produce using DITA.   [will need to have clearly-indicated field for URLs or comments] Content designers Content developers Content editors Customer support staff Embedded assistance authors Help/UA authors Marketing communicators Policy and procedure authors Product documentation authors Sales people Trainers - Non-technical Trainers - technical Software Designers Software Developers Support staff (Pas) Subject matter experts - non-technical (eg marketing) Subject matter experts - technical Other (specify)     What authoring tools do you use to write your content in Lightweight DITA? Help Authoring Tool (if so, which one) HTML editor JSON Markdown Microsoft Word XML editor Other (specify)   What delivery formats are important for your use of LW DITA? ePub HTML JSON Microsoft Word PDF XML Other (specify)   6 - Lightweight DITA has the following "block-level" elements [plain English definition]. Are there are elements that you would consider important to be missing from this list? Figure [fig] Footnote [fn] List - Definition [dl] List - Ordered (numbered [ol] List - Unordered (bulleted) [ul] Multimedia - Audio [audio] Multimedia - Video [video] Note [note] Paragraph [p] Prerequisite statement [pre] Table - Simple [simpletable]   [Add any missing elements.]   Some organisations may want to specialize (customise) Lightweight DITA for their specific content needs. If you plan to specialize, which of the following capabilities are must-haves? Being able to have containers within containers? (Nested div structures for deep containment specializations) The ability to choose which attributes you add to content? (Base attributes for arbitrary attribute definition) The ability to re-use a central specialization (Multiple-level specialization - the ability to specialize off other specializations, not just topic)    Which of the following benefits/features of LW DITA matter to you? Simpler XML authoring HTML5 authoring Markdown authoring Easier specialization Easier tools development Cross-silo content sharing Cross-silo tool sharing Other (specify)   If we have questions or want more information about your answer, could we contact you to followup? If so, please provide an email address.