There are changes that I’d like to make in the LwDITA grammar files: Get rid of any entities that simply declare a single attribute, and instead declare the attribute directly on the element. There are four entities that this would apply to: < !ENTITY % control-variables 'keys CDATA #IMPLIED ' > < !ENTITY % variable-content 'keyref CDATA #IMPLIED ' > < !ENTITY % variable-links 'keyref CDATA #IMPLIED ' > < !ENTITY % fn-reuse 'conref CDATA #IMPLIED ' > Standardize the names of the entities (and attribute groups) to match how they are used in the DITA spec. This would reduce cognitive dissonance for DITA architects who work with both DITA and LwDITA, as well as spec editors. Any objections or concerns? Let’s discuss this on list so that it does not need to wait until the next subcommittee meeting/ Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Owner, Eberlein Consulting LLC Skype: kriseberlein; voice: +1 (919) 622-1501