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Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Specialization model - elements and attributes

  • 1.  Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Specialization model - elements and attributes

    Posted 05-27-2016 15:35
    When it comes to redefining HDITA tags as custom elements, the “easy” way would be customized built-in elements (<section is= section-example”>), which extend an existing tag in HTML5. These are pretty easy to implement and light. Autonomous custom elements (<section-example>) look “cooler” and closer to XDITA. I think Don and Mark have more experience with these than me… but I know they do not need stylesheet support. Browsers (Safari needs to catch up soon) will process them as valid HTML even without sophisticated DOM/CSS rules. Now, talking about MDITA, I can rescue and share with the subcommittee the mapping of DITA elements I made last year. All of that has already been implemented and tested in Jarno’s Markdown plug-in, except for the conref thing based on G. Torikian’s Github-Liquid homage to DITA ({{ }}).  Happy to do this over email or in side meetings…. Carlos --  Carlos Evia, Ph.D. Director of Professional and Technical Writing Associate Professor of Technical Communication Department of English Center for Human-Computer Interaction Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112 (540)200-8201 On May 26, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Michael Priestley < > wrote: Sounds like a plan! Should we try through email, or have some side meetings? Who else is interested? For the HDITA mappings, I've got a couple of concerns with an element approach:  - how top-heavy the declarations will make the file (eg if we have five lines of _javascript_ per new element, and a specialization with twenty new elements in it, that's 100 lines of freight - potentially enough to double the size of a small topic)  - whether we need to care about their specialization architecture, which seems to be mostly extension rather than restriction, and would also mean that we don't get new element names  - can we get decent fallback behavior without stylesheets? or will this approach have a hard dependency on stylesheet instructions for each new element? That said, I see the attraction of an element-based approach, and if we can make it work and it has value we can demonstrate then I think it looks cooler and bridges to XDITA more clearly. For MDITA, I think we just need to take a hard look at what the dependencies are for each extension we propose. Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) Enterprise Content Technology Strategist From:         Carlos Evia < > To:         Michael Priestley/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA Cc: Date:         05/26/2016 09:31 AM Subject:         Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Specialization model - elements and attributes Sent by:         < > I feel like a bad student because I missed our last meeting and will miss the next one (Memorial Day in the US). Should we/I work on the new mappings of HDITA and MarkDITA? Carlos --- Carlos Evia, Ph.D. Director of Professional and Technical Writing Associate Professor of Technical Communication Department of English Center for Human-Computer Interaction Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112 (540)200-8201 On May 25, 2016, at 9:46 PM, Michael Priestley < > wrote: I wanted to draw attention to my slides from the Lightweight DITA pre/overview at CMS/DITA North America (updated with slides borrowed from my joint presentation with Carlos Evia and Jenifer Schlotfeldt). It's got what I believe to be an up-to-date view of the proposed template specialization model, with a simple example The technical overview (as opposed to business case/scenarios) starts on slide 22. The template specialization overview is on slides 30-35. Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) Enterprise Content Technology Strategist