Lightweight DITA SC

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    Posted 03-31-2017 12:40
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    Hi all,   Is there someone who could shed some light to the question why the <simpletable>/<stentry> content model in LwDITA is even more restricted than in DITA 1.3?   LwDITA includes a limited set of elements. The DITA 1.3 <simpetable> is already a simplified table model.   A logical expectation is that the LwDITA <simpletable> would allow the elements that are included in both LwDITA and DITA 1.3 <simpletable>.  In LwDITA <stentry>, <fig> is not allowed even though it is included in DITA 1.3 <stentry>.   When <fig> is considered as an essential part of the simplified table model in DITA 1.3, why should there be a different decision on the LwDITA side? If LwDITA adds restrictions like this, is it just complicating things unnecessarily?   Best regards,   -- Ullakaisa Kalander Information Architect, Information Services Citec Oy Ab P.O. Box 109 FI-65101 Vaasa Finland Mobile: +358 50 3828 192 E-mail: