OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Fall 2018 CTI TC Face to Face Agenda

  • 1.  Fall 2018 CTI TC Face to Face Agenda

    Posted 09-20-2018 13:43
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    All,   The agenda for the upcoming CTI TC F2F in NYC is attached. It contains important information about start and end times, building access information, and remote participation.   As a reminder, please register by Friday if you plan to attend either in-person or remotely. The registration link is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oasis-cyber-threat-intelligence-f2f-tc-meeting-september-2018-registration-48897594020 . This session is only open to TC members listed on the roster.   Additionally, if you have a proposal or thoughts on any of the topics listed on the agenda (or want to discuss something not listed) contact a TC co-chair. We’ll talk you through how it will work and how we can make sure to hear from you.   Thank you! TC Chair & Co-Chairs Attachment: CTI TC Face to Face - September 2018.pdf Description: CTI TC Face to Face - September 2018.pdf
