OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Cyber Threat Intelligence - Tokenization Concepts

  • 1.  Cyber Threat Intelligence - Tokenization Concepts

    Posted 03-27-2016 00:10
    Title: CTI Tokenization Concepts 160326C

    Attached please find an initial draft of a paper on Cyber Threat Intelligence - Tokenization Concepts.


    Target/Victim modeling is as important
    as Adversary/Attacker modeling.

    Automated Tokenization allows us to share
    categorical and quantitative data that can be used effectively for analysis and modeling. 

    Any and all feedback welcomed.  Critical Thinking welcomed (please direct same to me).

    Patrick Maroney
    Office:  (856)983-0001
    Cell:      (609)841-5104

    Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc.
    PO Box 569
    Marlton, NJ 08053

    Attachment: CTI Tokenization Concepts 160326C.pdf Description: CTI Tokenization Concepts 160326C.pdf
