Good point Jason. For the STIX SC I am currently working on putting in place some initial wiki content within github for things like the work product roadmap (with individual work product pages), use cases, development process outline, etc. I also plan to do as you suggest here and create a simple landing page for the STIX SC with links to the trackers and wikis and documentation on github as well as other things as appropriate. It will likely start simple and evolve as necessary. We have been coordinating with the CybOX SC as well and I believe they plan to take a similar approach. We will let you know when we have got this initial stuff in place and would request your thoughts, input and ongoing contributions to keeping it useful and current. Thank you for speaking up on this point. Sean Barnum STIX SC Co-chair From: < > on behalf of Jason Keirstead < > Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:11 AM To: " " < > Subject: [cti] Proposal: CTI TC Wiki pages / Links to Github trackers It has become apparent to me that a new entrant to the CTI community would not have a very simple time navigating themselves. Although most activity on existing and upcoming standards is currently happening on various subcommittee Github trackers, there is no links to these trackers on any of the OASIS landing pages (do we have ability to add links to these pages? They look auto-generated so I doubt it...), nor are there any on the Wiki "home page" of any of the CTI sub-committees. The only way for a new person to know what activities are currently going on and how to participate, would be to wade through the emails in the archive. I actually went ahead to try to remedy this by updating the various wikis with links to the Github trackers, but discovered TAXII is actually the only subcommittee that even has a landing page on the wiki. I didn't feel comfortable creating those two landing pages myself - but I did add a link to the Github tracker on the TAXII one. Until everything is fully moved over to OASIS facilities, IMO it would be good to try to gradually improve the presence on these Wikis... the first place one looks when trying to get involved in a project like this would be the "home page", and right now our home pages are basically blank... - Jason Keirstead Product Architect, Security Intelligence, IBM Security Systems Without data, all you are is just another person with an opinion - Unknown