OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Voting member roster updated

  • 1.  Voting member roster updated

    Posted 09-25-2018 15:36

    Jane Ginn, Chet Ensign and I have worked to update the voting roster the updates are complete and you can check your status in Kavi. I encourage everyone to do so in advance of us opening up the ballot on
    the TC co-chair election.  If you believe that your voting status as reflected in Kavi is incorrect, please contact myself and Jane as soon as possible so that we can work to resolve any issues.
    Richard J. Struse
    Chair, OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence Technical Committee
    Chief Strategist for Cyber Threat Intelligence
    The MITRE Corporation
    +1-703-983-7049 (office)

    +1-703-342-8368 (mobile)