All, Here is the current text for the Security and Privacy Considerations for TAXII. Please review and respond with changes, suggestions, omissions, etc asap. Security Considerations: These considerations are, in part, derived from Section 9 of the Resource-Oriented Lightweight Information Exchange [RFC8322]. This document defines a resource-oriented approach for exchanging cyber threat intelligence using HTTP [RFC7230] over TLS [RFC5246] and the JSON [RFC8259] Format. As such, implementers must understand the security considerations described in those specifications. All that follows is guidance; instructions that are more specific are out of scope for this document. Security considerations relating to the generation and consumption of TAXII messages are similar to application/json and are discussed in Section 12 of [RFC8259]. The discovery API contains one or multiple URLs, therefor the security considerations stated in Section 6 of [RFC1738] should be consulted especially in regards to parsing relative URLs and attempts of path traversal. Documents of "application/taxii+json" are simply request and response messages for an RPC like mechanism for searching, uploading and downloading Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) documents, most commonly STIX. The documents only contain metadata about the TAXII server, such as descriptions, versions of CTI or status response of the request. Documents do not contain active or executable content. Unicode is used to represent text such as descriptions in the format. The considerations documented by Unicode Technical Report #36: Unicode Security Considerations [UNICODE] should be taken into account. To protect the confidentiality of a given resource provided by a TAXII implementation, requests for retrieval of a resource need to be authenticated to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the resource. It can also be useful to log and audit access to sensitive resources to verify that proper access controls remain in place over time. Access control to content made available using TAXII should use mechanisms that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. While the primitive authentication mechanism of HTTP Basic Authentication [RFC7617] is mandatory to implement for base level interoperability it is rarely appropriate for sensitive information. A number of authentication schemes are defined in the "HTTP Authentication Schemes" registry at IANA [IANA AUTH]. Of these, HTTP Origin-Bound Authentication (HOBA) [RFC7486] and SCRAM-SHA-256 [RFC7804] ("SCRAM" stands for "Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism") provide improved security properties over HTTP Basic [RFC7617] and Digest [RFC7616] authentication schemes. However, sharing communities that are engaged in sensitive collaborative analysis and/or operational response for indicators and incidents targeting high-value information systems should adopt a suitably stronger user authentication solution, such as a risk-based or multi-factor approach. Collaborating consortiums may benefit from the adoption of a federated identity solution, such as those based upon OAuth [RFC6749] with the JSON Web Token (JWT) [RFC7797], or SAML-core [SAML-core] ("SAML" stands for "Security Assertion Markup Language"), SAML-bind [SAML-bind], and SAML-prof [SAML-prof] for web-based authentication and cross-organizational single sign-on. Dependency on a trusted third-party identity provider implies that appropriate care must be exercised to sufficiently secure the identity provider. Any attacks on the federated identity system would present a risk to the consortium, as a relying party. Potential mitigations include deployment of a federation-aware identity provider that is under the control of the information-sharing consortium, with suitably stringent technical and management controls. The authentication and confidentiality for the TAXII session is done at a lower level via the transport mechanism, currently HTTPS. HTTPS is the only transport that is currently standardized. Even though authentication and confidentiality are done at a lower level transport, this does not obviate the consumer (server or client) from validating the format and contents of the documents sent in a session, as the other party could be malicious and attempting to attack the service. This validation also includes checking various limits, such as document size limits. It is recommended that all TAXII servers authenticate and authorize access to all collection data on a per-client basis using robust security methods. While this specification defines HTTP Basic as a minimum suggested authentication mechanism, more advanced security authentication methods are recommended when products or deployments require stronger authentication and authorization frameworks for accessing or posting data to the TAXII server. Authorization of resource representations is the responsibility of the source system, i.e., based on the authenticated user identity associated with an HTTP(S) request. The required authorization policies that are to be enforced must therefore be managed by the security administrators of the source system. Various authorization architectures would be suitable for this purpose, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) [NIST RBAC] and/or Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), as embodied in the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) [XACML]. In particular, implementers adopting XACML may benefit from the capability to represent their authorization policies in a standardized, interoperable format. Note that implementers are free to choose any suitable authorization mechanism that is capable of fulfilling the policy enforcement requirements relevant to their consortium and/or organization. Additional security requirements such as enforcing message-level security at the destination system could supplement the security enforcements performed at the source system; however, these destination-provided policy enforcements are out of scope for this specification. Implementers requiring this capability should consider leveraging, for example, the <RIDPolicy> element in the RID schema. Refer to Section 9 of [RFC6545] for more information. Additionally, the underlying JSON serialization used in the representation can offer encryption and message authentication capabilities. For example, JSON Web Encryption [RFC7516] and JSON Web Signature [RFC7515], can provide such mechanisms. A TAXII client may inadvertently request more data from a TAXII server then the server is able to process, transmit, or the client is able to consume. To mitigate this, TAXII servers should consider implementing restrictions on the number of records it will send back in response to a single request. TAXII provides clients a rich set of filtering and query options to return specific results from repositories of CTI data. As such, TAXII servers should implement protections against queries that can potentially consume a significant amount of resources and prevent the server from functioning in a normal way. TAXII defines an optional error message that may contain sensitive application data. Implementers should ensure that they do not leak descriptive text or application return codes for things that a user may not have access to, for example leak info about existence of something, implementation of something, vs. just not having access. Note: Despite TAXII searching and returning STIX objects, this format does not encapsulate any CTI content. It is expected that CTI documents will be sent with the appropriate mime-type. For these, consult their own security consideration sections. Privacy Considerations These considerations are, in part, derived from Section 10 of the Resource-Oriented Lightweight Information Exchange [RFC8322]. The documents contain various descriptions and other text. There is no expectation that these will contain private information, but as some may be user provided, there is no guarantee that a user will not inadvertently include private data. It is expected that the client or server authenticate the other party through the transport mechanism before sending any possible private data. As the protocol is about sharing data, it is expected that the parties understand their obligations in keeping relevant data private. Adoption of the information-sharing approach described in this document will enable users to more easily perform correlations across separate, and potentially unrelated, cybersecurity information providers. A client may succeed in assembling a data set that would not have been permitted within the context of the authorization policies of either provider when considered individually. Thus, providers may face a risk of an attacker obtaining an access that constitutes an undetected separation of duties (SOD) violation. It is important to note that this risk is not unique to this specification, and a similar potential for abuse exists with any other cybersecurity information-sharing protocol. However, the wide availability of tools for HTTP clients implies that the resources and technical skills required for a successful exploit may be less than it was previously. This risk can be best mitigated through appropriate vetting of the client at the time of account provisioning. In addition, any increase in the risk of this type of abuse should be offset by the corresponding increase in effectiveness that this specification affords to the defenders. Overall, privacy concerns in TAXII can be mitigated by following security considerations and by the careful use of the content exchanged via TAXII.