OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Boilerplate change suggestion

  • 1.  Boilerplate change suggestion

    Posted 04-25-2019 16:34
    Hi, Coming new to the spec, I found the following boilerplate in STIX difficult to wrap my mind around: "The reverse relationships (relationships "to" the Infrastructure object) are included as a convenience. For their definitions, please see the objects for which they represent a "from" relationship." In particular, the clause "for which they represent a 'from' relationship" took several moments to grok and I don't believe that I am alone based on some discussions. I would like to propose the following alternative text: Reverse relationships indicate relationships targeting this object by other objects. They are included here for convenience. For their definitions, please see the "Source" object. Thanks! Emily Emily Ratliff STSM, IBM Security Research Initiative Lead Phone: 1-512-286-9947 Mobile: 1-512-653-1052 E-mail: Emily.Ratliff@ibm.com 11501 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758-3400 United States