OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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ACTION REQUIRED: Please vote on ballot to approve TAXII 2.1 as an OASIS Committee Specification

  • 1.  ACTION REQUIRED: Please vote on ballot to approve TAXII 2.1 as an OASIS Committee Specification

    Posted 01-23-2020 17:12
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    We have a ballot open for the TC to approve the latest TAXII 2.1 Working Draft as an official OASIS Committee Specification. In accordance with OASIS rules, a Committee Specification ballot is Special Majority
    Vote . A Special Majority Vote requires at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the Voting Members vote "yes" and no more than 1/4 (one fourth) of the Voting Members vote "no". Abstentions are not counted.
    The ballot is open now. It closes 27 January 2020 at 23:59 UTC. You can access the ballot at:
    If you have already voted THANK YOU!
    If you have not yet cast your vote, please do so before the ballot closes.
    As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Trey.
    Richard J. Struse
    Director, The Center for Threat-Informed Defense

    +1-703-983-7049 (office)
    +1-703-342-8368 (mobile)