Dear members of the CTI TC, Please find enclosed a note written by Dr. Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, of OASIS, summarizing a November 6th European Community meeting in Brussels on the role of standards in cybersecurity. This was one of a regular series of meetings convened by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) to examine current cyberthreats and relevant counter-threat technologies. ENISA has been tasked by the EC to advise Member states on all matters of cybersecurity, and is studying a variety of cybersecurity certification schemes. Cooperating with ENISA could offer significant benefits to the CTI TC, including increasing the traction of its work products in Europe, opening procurement avenues, and influencing cybersecurity policy. One way to strengthen the CTI TC's relationship with ENISA would be to give presentations at ENISA events on a regular basis, and we'd be happy to facilitate speaker opportunities at the TC's request. Dr Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, former Director of Trade at the UN, and a professor of Economics at the College de Bruges, is the voice of OASIS at the highest level of European politics, including the Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP) an advisory group that vets standards for use in European procurement. Please feel free to direct any questions to me. Enjoy the report, Laurent Liscia -- Laurent Liscia, CEO OASIS: Open Source. Open Standards. Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: Take a tour of OASIS at: Attachment: CTI EU 6 11 2018 for CTI TC.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document