OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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  • 1.  Google Doc Changes

    Posted 04-12-2019 22:57
    All, As we begin to prep the document to be merged down when we are all done with TC and Editorial work, you will notice a few things different in each document.  First, the front matter is all gone and there is some padded section numbers.  This is done to make sure the copy and paste at the end will be easier.  As always, please refer to the CTI Cover Page for current locations of all working documents.  That URL is:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yvqWaPPnPW-2NiVCLqzRszcx91ffMowfT5MmE9Nsy_w/edit# Also, here are the direct links to all current documents that will make up the final work product.  STIX 2.1 Current Specification Documents Master Document SDOs and SROs SCOs Vocabs Patterning OLD Part 3 Almost All Merged In this list you will see that we made a standalone document to house the vocabs, this is just for editorial purposes because we were at the page count limit of Google Docs.  All of these will get merged down into the sections that are identified in the "Master Document" when we cut a CSD and CS. If you have ANY questions, please let me know and we can jump on a call so that I can walk you through it.  Bret.