OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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  • 1.  Voting Rights Updated

    Posted 10-29-2019 23:22
    CTI TC: I've updated the Voting Rights after the October meetings. I believe we are all up-to-date. Please check your status on the Roster of the CTI TC and make sure it is correct. If you are a 'Member' and have attended either Session #1 or #2 of the last two meetings AND registered your attendance, you should be showing up as a Voting Member. We will have some important Ballots coming up and I want to try to stay on top of the updates. Ping me if I need to make a correction. Also, just a reminder, we have a Slack channel where some of the conversations on CTI TC topics happen. If you are a new member and have not yet been on-boarded to that Slack Channel and want to follow the conversations there, please reach out to me or Bret or any of the Co-Chairs or Chairs and we can make sure you get an invitation. Best regards, -- ***************************** Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP Secretary, OASIS CTI TC jg@ctin.us 001 (928) 399-0509 *****************************