OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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  • 1.  STIX COA inclusion in 2.1

    Posted 02-01-2018 18:22

    Hi All,
    During the CTI TC F2F on Jan 31 st , 2018, STIX COA was brought up for consideration in STIX 2.1. We discussed the features for the first release that led to some good discussion in the room. The
    room was polled for inclusion of the work done so far into a CSD working draft. The poll result was as follows:
    18 voted for to move it forward
    1 abstained
    1 objection
    The plan is to work through the objections and refine the draft before the next TC meeting.
    If you didn’t get a chance to look at it, the document is here -

    Jyoti Verma
    CTO office Security Business Group,
    Cisco Systems Inc.