There was only a single comment provided from the STIX SC review period on the STIX 1.2.1 specifications. This
comment was in regards to updating the copyright and trademark info in each of the specification documents to account for negotiated IPR considerations of the DHS contributions. The documents
have been updated to address this comment and as expected no substantive changes have been made to the STIX data model.
Unless there is any objection by COB tomorrow (10/8), the STIX 1.2.1 draft specifications will be moved up as planned to the CTI TC for further approval. Once in the CTI TC, there will be a
vote on whether the STIX 1.2.1 draft specifications should be moved forward for public review and eventually to be voted on for approval as a CTI TC Committee Specification.
If you have see any issues please let us know.
Thank you,
Sean & Aharon