I agree that it seems quite premature at this point to make an MTI
decision. I would prefer we continue to discuss the options we have at
present. I personally do not know enough about JSON-LD and the limitations
of it to be able to make an informed decision. I'm sure a lot of the other
SC members feel the same.
We need to tease out more information from both sides to be able to
effectively come to a group consensus.
Terry MacDonald
On 7/10/2015 5:15 am, "Barnum, Sean D." <
sbarnum@mitre.org> wrote:
> I do not believe that we are at all ready to be making any decisions on
> MTI or even really on default bindings yet.
> Before such decisions can be made we first need four things:
> - Understanding and consensus on the requirements and evaluation
> criteria that should be used to select an MTI or default binding
> - Identification and understanding of potential binding options and
> their capabilities and limitations
> - Understanding of how each potential binding option meets or does not
> meet the consensus requirements and evaluation criteria
> - Understanding of member opinions and preferences
> We simply do not have any of these things yet. Ongoing discussions on the
> list demonstrate that clearly, I believe.
> Even if we had all of the above worked out for our current knowledge, we
> still would not necessarily have enough to make a decision today as many of
> the issues and proposals for STIX 2.0 changes have the likelihood of
> affecting the consensus requirements and evaluation criteria for an MTI.
> Any decisions made on incomplete information are likely to be poor ones.
> I would propose that attempting to cut short discussions aimed at
> addressing the above needs would be premature at this time.
> sean
> From: <
cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of "Foley, Alexander -
> GIS"
> Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 2:05 PM
> To: "cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org", "cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org"
> Subject: [cti-users] Model / Binding Motions
> By my count:
> 1. We have Bret’s motion that we require a default binding for STIX
> and CybOX and it requires a second.
> a. If this motion succeeds, we have Bret’s motion that JSON be
> chosen as the default binding for STIX and CybOX and it requires a second.
> * i. **Kevin
> Wetzel, I apologize but I do not see you as a member of the cti committee…
> please follow up with myself, Rich, Chet or OASIS if that’s an incorrect
> assumption*
> b. We also have an (alternate?) proposal from Cory that JSON-LD
> specifically be chosen as our default binding and it requires a second.
> *I must admit this conversation has been very difficult to follow – if I’m
> missing a key motion that we construct a UML / RDF / OWL model that’s
> separate from choosing a new preferred binding / data encoding, please feel
> free to propose or second any motions.*
> Thanks,
> Alex
> *From:*
cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org [
> mailto:
cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org <
cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org>] *On
> Behalf Of *Jordan, Bret
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:49 PM
> *To:* Aharon Chernin
> *Cc:*
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org> *Subject:* [cti-users] Re: [cti-stix] MTI Binding
> Sounds good...
> *I would like to formally make a motion that we require a default binding
> for STIX 2.0 and CybOX 3.0. *
> If this is agreed upon, then:
> *I would like to formally make a motion that the default binding for STIX
> 2.0 and CybOX 3.0 be JSON.*
> Thanks,
> Bret
> *Bret Jordan CISSP*
> Director of Security Architecture and Standards | Office of the CTO
> Blue Coat Systems
> PGP Fingerprint: 63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447 F2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
> "Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that
> can not be unscrambled is an egg."
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 10:40, Aharon Chernin <
achernin@soltra.com> wrote:
> Bret, I think we need to propose that STIX, CybOX, and TAXII have to
> require a default binding type first. Then the MTI motion could be changed
> to something like, “I would like to propose that we adopt JSON as the
> default binding”.
> Aharon
> *From: *<
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of "Jordan, Bret"
> *Date: *Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 11:45 AM
> *To: *"cti-users@lists.oasis-open.org", "cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org"
> *Subject: *[cti-stix] MTI Binding
> We have had a good discussion here and on the wiki and I have seen a lot
> of people advocating for JSON to be used as the MTI. While a few other
> options have been tossed around and discussed they do not seem to have an
> advocate pushing for them nor do they seem to have the broad support that
> JSON does.
> *Therefore, I would like to formally propose that we adopt JSON as the MTI
> for STIX 2.0 and CybOX 3.0.*
> Thanks,
> Bret
> *Bret Jordan CISSP*
> Director of Security Architecture and Standards | Office of the CTO
> Blue Coat Systems
> PGP Fingerprint: 63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447 F2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
> "Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that
> can not be unscrambled is an egg."
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 06:17, Davidson II, Mark S <
mdavidson@MITRE.ORG> wrote:
> I think we’re wrapped around the axle a little bit on this whole topic.
> I’d like to try and step back and ask some basic questions:
> 1. Is anyone actually proposing JSON-LD as the MTI for STIX? I’ve seen the
> question asked, and I’ve seen *lots* of discussion. Is there somebody who
> would like to come forward and state their opinion that JSON-LD should be
> the MTI for STIX?
> Note: I see this question as a higher bar than asking who thinks we should
> consider it – IMO the recent discussion makes it clear that we are
> considering it
> 2. There was an opinion that the proposed examples (the indicator and
> incident idioms) wouldn’t be sufficient for comparing size and complexity.
> What examples would be sufficient?
> 3. What toolchain is required to develop software that supports using a
> model without any custom code? Maybe I’m missing something, but if I have a
> product and I want to add STIX support, won’t developers have to write code?
> I guess at its core – I hear what people are saying about models and not
> programming to the data syntax, I just don’t understand how that actually
> works (the more concrete the example the better, at least for me).
> Thank you.
> -Mark
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