All I have code which can roundtrip all three 0.9.3 examples. In line with my previous suggestions I wonder if we would rename the “metadata” property of Unit to “metagroups” and rename the “meta” property of “metagroup” to “metaitems”? Examples attached. Phil Phil Ritchie Chief Technology Officer Vistatec Vistatec House, 700 South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 416 8000 Direct: +353 1 416 8024 Email: ISO 9001 ISO 13485 EN 15038 Think Global Attachment: example1-0.9.3.json Description: example1-0.9.3.json Attachment: example2-0.9.3.json Description: example2-0.9.3.json Attachment: example3-0.9.3.json Description: example3-0.9.3.json