OASIS XLIFF Object Model and Other Serializations (XLIFF OMOS) TC

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Re: Welcome to OASIS XLIFF Object Model and Other Serializations (XLIFF OMOS) TC

  • 1.  Re: Welcome to OASIS XLIFF Object Model and Other Serializations (XLIFF OMOS) TC

    Posted 11-03-2017 15:12
    Hi Steven, Great to have you on XLIFF OMOS as well as XLIFF TC..  All, please join me in welcoming Stephen in the committee..  OMOS meets regularly every second and fourth Tuesday in month at 1700 UTC. I am striving to send an agenda before each meeting via the OASIS TC calendar..  Cheers and ttys   dF  On Nov 3, 2017 07:22, < workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org > wrote: The following email message was sent to Mr. Steven Loomis ( srloomis@us.ibm.com ) You are receiving a copy of this message because you are listed as a roster manager for this group. Group : OASIS XLIFF Object Model and Other Serializations (XLIFF OMOS) TC Membership Status : approved Group Link Per your request, you have been added to the member roster of this OASIS Committee. For information regarding Committee roles and responsibilities, see http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/roles Note: all Committee activity--including all mailing list archives--is public. Refrain from forwarding private messages or documents to the mailing list. Please collaborate respectfully. Discussions should remain civil and productive at all times. Personal attacks are not tolerated. We trust you will find your participation in this Committee rewarding, and we thank you for your time and efforts in advancing open standards at OASIS. Should you wish to be removed from this Committee's roster at any time, select the "remove me" link on the Committee's members-only home page. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact member-services@oasis-open.org .