Stefan, I do not have anything on my calendar with respect to a meeting tomorrow. Can an invite be sent out? I don't recall deleting it so am unsure why it's not there. Did we set a recurring meeting up? Please advise as I have no details for time or links, etc. Thank you. On 04/25/2017, at 4:08 AM, Mr. Stefan Hagen wrote: Dear members, short before tomorrows monthly TC meeting, please note, that the CSAF TC currently has 20 voting members, thus to ease conducting business for the group when you have voting rights, please try to participate tomorrow. In the previous meeting we failed to reach quorum. In OASIS being a member and not wanting to vote, can lead to these unfortunate situations easily, as the at least 3 out of previous 5 meetings rule can increment the quorum count requirements through members not planning to participate next one or two meetings. But there is help: The Persistent Non-Voting Member status ! The info on that one, is already contained in the meeting minutes draft I published a few minutes ago, but as this is a very good option for interested members in many cases and as it is not a one-click(tm) option offered in roster for members I repeat it below and in the hope it is helpful. Citation from minutes: """ 1.1 Persistent non-voting Member Status To avoid future complications, if you plan to *not participate regularly*, please do consider to become a *persistent non-voting member* 1. This avoids periodically gaining and losing voting rights for the member requesting, and 2. facilitates the groups work through reducing the risk of non-quorate meetings. To become a *persistent non-voting member* is easy: 1. A simple mail to the officers stating that request will suffice for the requester. 2. The officers will subsequently edit the roster accordingly 3. and inform the requester about the changed status. Thanks! """ All the best, Stefan. -- Vincent Danen / Red Hat Product Security