OASIS Litigant Portal (LP) TC

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  • 1.  FW: Open Referral Update

    Posted 02-04-2019 23:25

    FYI Open Referral update from Greg Bloom . . .
    From: Greg Bloom <bloom@openreferral.org>
    Sent: February 4, 2019 18:17
    To: Harris, James <jharris@ncsc.org>
    Cc: John G <greacenjmg@earthlink.net>; Riyaz Samnani <riyaz.samnani@du.edu>
    Subject: Re: [lp] Groups - Litigant Portal Data Standardization ver. 3.docx uploaded

    Hi folks - John, great to see you in New Orleans last month. I hope this process is going well.


    A few quick updates: 


    First, just today, Minnesota Legal Services published
    a post about how they've used Open Referral in their new statewide legal resource platform . They're the newest of a wave of states that are using our data model to structure and share information about the accessibility of civil legal services.


    here's the final report from our implementation in Florida , where we essentially developed a registry of service information, updated by providers themselves through a standardized form, mandated by their funders. The report contains links to sample data
    and a prototype of the form.


    Finally, here's Open Referral's 2018 year in review report:  https://openreferral.org/open-referrals-2018-year-in-review/ ~ it was a breakthrough year in several


    Please do pass this on to the LP committee, and let me know if i can help answer any questions about these matters as they related to your work on litigant portal interoperability.


    Thanks for your important work,





    Leading up the Open Referral Initiative.

    Book a time to talk
    on my calendar .

    Reach me directly at  305.962.2859


    Web:  OpenReferral.org

    Community:  Open Referral Forum