Tom Clarke will retire from the National Center for State Courts on February 1. And he has made clear that he really intends to retire – completely, 100%. He has contributed a great deal to the work of this TC over the past two years, as well as to innumerable important National Center initiatives over his career. He is a singularly knowledgeable and insightful human being and it has been one of the great pleasures of my life to work with him on a number of important projects. I and we will miss him and wish him a happy and rewarding retirement. If anyone has earned such a retirement, Tom Clarke has. Consequently, we will have a vacancy in the office of co-chair of the Litigant Portal Technical Committee. OASIS rules require that we fill that vacancy by election within 120 days. I hope we will move more swiftly. Jim Harris has informed me of his willingness to be nominated to fill the co-chair vacancy. If Jim were to be nominated and elected, we would need to fill the secretary position. Knowing that Riyaz Samnani, our second secretary, has undertaken a major new business engagement, I have emailed him to find out whether he plans to continue his active TC participation. I have not heard from him, which I take as a “no” response. Consequently, I solicit nominations for the positions of co-chair and secretary of the Litigant Portal Technical Committee. The nominations period will remain open through January 31 st . It is a matter of some urgency that we have these leadership positions filled with willing, active members as we enter the critically important phase of completion of our first committee draft standard. Please submit your nomination either by posting a message on the TC list (to which this message is being sent) or by emailing or telephoning me directly. I urge all members to consider taking on one of these responsibilities. You will find the work rewarding. John M. Greacen Greacen Associates, LLC 111 County Road 385 Regina, New Mexico 87046 Office phone 575-638-1067 Cell phone 505-780-1450 (we have no cell service at our office; use office phone number unless you know I am away from the office) Fax 575-638-0004