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RE: [openc2] openc2-cap repository proposal

  • 1.  RE: [openc2] openc2-cap repository proposal

    Posted 04-17-2019 18:14

    CAP is a very well socialized acronym, and I fear distributing an OPenC2 CAP message inside a CAP alert encoded in EDXL
    From: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org <openc2@lists.oasis-open.org>
    On Behalf Of Chet Ensign
    Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 12:56 PM
    To: Dave Lemire <dave.lemire@g2-inc.com>
    Cc: OASIS OpenC2 List <openc2@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Subject: Re: [openc2] openc2-cap repository proposal

    Hey Dave, I just saw this. One thing that occurs to me is the potential for confusion around the name. 


    CAP is an OASIS Standard - Common Alerting Protocol ( https://www.oasis-open.org/standards#capv1.2 ). The CAP standard is widely deployed in emergency communication systems around
    the globe for all manner of disaster: tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados. floods. For people outside our community, seeing CAP already comes with a lot of meaning to it. (And in case anybody thinks that the differences are obvious, I just spent 20
    minutes yesterday explaining why a potential legal markup project had nothing to do with CAP's sibling EDXL (Emergency Data Exchange Language). 


    I would like to avoid muddying the meaning of CAP if possible by using a different acronym. Maybe cucp or cacp or capro? I'm sure you all can find a far more elegant solution than that! 


    Thanks much, 





    On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 11:45 AM Dave Lemire < dave.lemire@g2-inc.com > wrote:

    For convenience, here's a copy of the proposal to create an open repo for Custom Actuator Profiles (openc2-cap). As Joe Brule stated at this morning's TC meeting session, the window to register
    objections is open until 10:00pm EDT tonight.




    David P. Lemire , CISSP

    HII Mission Driven Innovative Solutions (HII-MDIS, formerly G2, Inc.)

    Technical Solutions (A Division of Huntington Ingalls Industries)

      OpenC2 Technical Committee Secretary
      OpenC2 Implementation Considerations SC Co-chair
      Contractor support to NSA
    Email: dave.lemire@g2-inc.com

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    Chet Ensign

    Chief Technical Community Steward
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

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