OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

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DKS20 - Lang Spec CSPRD01 comment - unmatched bracket cardinality notation in JADN

  • 1.  DKS20 - Lang Spec CSPRD01 comment - unmatched bracket cardinality notation in JADN

    Posted 12-10-2018 22:01

    JADN uses what I consider a weird notation of unmatched bracket to denote cardinality. 
    Properties tables use notation 0..n which is explained in section 3.1.3. 
    One example of the wierd JADN notation is
    Pg 38 line 36ish in section A.2:
    [2, "types", "Type", ["]0"], ""]]
    Where is the explanation of this notation? Ie what does ]0 mean? At a minimum it should be explained.
    I propose it be replaced with the notation used in the property tables
    Duncan Sparrell
    sFractal Consulting LLC
    iPhone, iTypo, iApologize
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