Thanks Duncan!
And echoing Duncan’s comment, we actually have a codebase that could be used as a starting point for our prototype implementers, and even if you want to start
from scratch, the presence of a codebase will not damage your effort. If you are a voting member, please consider selecting option one.
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Subject: [Non-DoD Source] [openc2] Please help with github ballot by casting your vote
There are currently 52 voting members of the OpenC2 TC. As of now, 18 of those voting members have voted on the github repo ballot. I encourage you to vote so we
can reach a quorum.
I personally recommend voting yes for 'option 1 - vote yes for all 8 repos' since I believe the creation of opensource repo's will benefit everyone. The current
results have 16 votes for all 8 and 2 votes for 6 of the 8. Even if you are against the formation of repos, please vote no (ie don't check any of the repos) so we know your opinion.
Note you are a voting member is you attended 2 of the 3 monthly meetings. This is a TC vote so TC attendees vote (as opposed to the voting done at OASIS level by
the 'one company rep'. Don't worry if you are not the company rep.
Remember responsibilities come with being a voting member.
Go to and vote!
Duncan Sparrell
sFractal Consulting LLC
iPhone, iTypo, iApologize
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