OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

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  • 1.  JADN information modeling language Release Candidate

    Posted 05-31-2021 14:42
    At last week's working meeting the latest updates to the JSON Abstract Data Notation standard were approved for submission to the TC. This version aligns the spec with the latest OASIS template and includes many editorial updates but makes no substantive changes that affect the OpenC2 language spec or actuator profiles. In particular this version adds a section on Entity Relationship Diagrams based on experience applying JADN to design efforts beyond OpenC2. At the June 16 TC meeting we will request approval to submit WD-02 to OASIS for publication as a Committee Specification. OASIS will then conduct a Special Majority Vote of the TC members. If the SMV passes, OASIS will then conduct one or more public review cycles before publication as a CS. This is a last call for comments before submitting a package for the TC SMV. The release candidate is available at https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openc2-jadn/blob/working/jadn-v1.0-wd02.md .

  • 2.  RE: EXT :[openc2] JADN information modeling language Release Candidate

    Posted 06-02-2021 16:32

    TC Members,
    We need to correct the record a bit regarding the specification approval process, as what Dave Kemp described below isn t quite right. As a reminder, the JADN
    Spec had a public review last winter. We discussed its progress in today s working meeting and agreed that a second public review is appropriate, given the volume of changes in explanatory content since then.  So from this point the process is:
    The editor declares a release in GitHub to create a new Working Draft (WD) package
    The editor posts the WD to the TC s document repository at OASIS
    The TC votes to approve the WD as a CSD and request a public review
    OASIS publishes the CSD and conducts the public review
    The TC adjudicates any review comments and updates the spec accordingly

    If no normative changes result from the public review, the TC can then approve conducting a Special Majority Vote to approve the JADN Specification
    as a CS.
    So TC voting members should anticipate a motion at the 16 June TC meeting to approve the next WD of the JADN Specification as a CSD and request public review
    member resources , specifically the
    TC Process

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    David Lemire
    IA Systems Engineer
    Technical Solutions
    302 Sentinel Drive Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
    Work (301) 575-5190
    Mobile  (443) 535-1182


    From: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:openc2@lists.oasis-open.org]
    On Behalf Of David Kemp
    Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 10:42 AM
    To: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: EXT :[openc2] JADN information modeling language Release Candidate


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    At last week's working meeting the latest updates to the JSON Abstract Data Notation standard were approved for submission to the TC.  This version aligns the spec with the latest OASIS template and includes
    many editorial updates but makes no substantive changes that affect the OpenC2 language spec or actuator profiles.  In particular this version adds a section on Entity Relationship Diagrams based on experience applying JADN to design efforts beyond OpenC2.

    At the June 16 TC meeting we will request approval to submit WD-02 to OASIS for publication as a Committee Specification.  OASIS will then conduct a Special Majority Vote of the TC members.  If the SMV passes, OASIS will then conduct one or more public review
    cycles before publication as a CS.

    This is a last call for comments before submitting a package for the TC SMV.  The release candidate is available at  https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openc2-jadn/blob/working/jadn-v1.0-wd02.md
    [github.com] .