Minutes of UBL Payments and Finance Subcommittee 26 July 2017 15:30UTC Attendance: Todd Albers (chair) Oriol Bausà Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Erlend Klakegg Bergheim G. Ken Holman (secretary) Minutes of last meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-payfin/201706/msg00001.html AGENDA: 1. Outreach and liaisons with relevant work groups - Todd - Business Payments Coalition (BPC) - in-person workshop with vendors - published a report in 2013 through X9 regarding a remittance standard - no reference to UBL Remittance document - webinar 25 July discussing ISO 20022 - members invited to participate in UBL - vendor forum (subset of US market vendors e.g. banks, automation, etc) - task force meeting identified areas of opportunities to improve - agreed that remittance is a challenge needing a standard format - UBL 2.1 Remittance being put forward by Todd, Ken brought forward this link from the UBL 2.1 distribution:
http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.1/mod/summary/reports/UBL-RemittanceAdvice-2.1.html#Table_RemittanceAdvice - Erlend informed the committee about project in Norway - moving whole of public sector to use PEPPOL for exchange of ISO 20022 messages with the banks - Agency of Economics regarding agreement with the banks - up and running by January 2019 - presented to other organizations, e.g. NHS -
https://vefa.difi.no/iso20022/ - all documentation is to be fully open on GitHub in the next few months 2. Deliverables to the UBL TC and to UBL 2.3: a) Tradable invoice document - from the UBL TC minutes regarding a post to UBL.xml.org
http://uncitral.tumblr.com/post/163091290521/un-commission-on-international-trade-law-adopts - entity within the UN responsible for creating model laws - legal body of the UN - based out of New York, active leadership role from the US - Kenneth responded to the original post -
http://ubl.xml.org/forum/adopted-uncitral-model-law-on-electronic-transferable-records - the committee will contact the project group at UNCITRAL - last meeting we looked through some sample elements for a tradeable invoice - Kenneth still to be documenting the details - appears to be the same goal as the UNCITRAL project b) Blockchain - the
http://bBiller.com project that Ken is advising has published a new version of their whitepaper:
https://bbiller.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Whitepaper-20170714-1250z.pdf - not yet identified new document types for UBL related to payments and finance - ISO TC307 -
https://www.iso.org/committee/6266604.html - UN/CEFACT -
https://uncefact.unece.org/display/uncefactpublic/Blockchain+White+Paper c) Identification of other Payfin work products - to be determined 3. Meeting schedule - next meeting Wed August 9, 2017 @ 14:30UTC after the UBL TC meeting 4. Any other business - none -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc.
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