LegalXML MS Steering Committee

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closure of the LegalXML Lawful Intercept TC

  • 1.  closure of the LegalXML Lawful Intercept TC

    Posted 02-05-2004 20:26
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    Subject: closure of the LegalXML Lawful Intercept TC

    LegalXML Steering Committee:
    In consulting with the Lawful Intercept TC chair, Tony Rutkowski, we 
    have decided to close the TC. The TC has not met in more than six 
    months, nor has there been any email list activity in that same period 
    of time.
    Tony originally approached me asking about adding new work to the scope 
    of the TC's charter, but this is not allowed by the TC Process. The best 
    solution, especially given the inactivity of the TC, was to close this 
    TC and start a new one. I will work with Tony to get a charter for the 
    new TC defined and get this new activity launched.
    Karl F. Best
    Vice President, OASIS
    office  +1 978.667.5115 x206     mobile +1 978.761.1648

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