LegalXML MS Steering Committee

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RE: [legalxml-sc] LegalXML Steering Committee Bios

  • 1.  RE: [legalxml-sc] LegalXML Steering Committee Bios

    Posted 05-25-2004 21:47
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    Subject: RE: [legalxml-sc] LegalXML Steering Committee Bios

    Title: RE: [legalxml-sc] LegalXML Steering Committee Bios

    Hello, Carol,

    The membership of the LegalXML Member Section Steering Committee has substantially changed since the list you have on this site. The membership today of the LegalXML Member Section Steering Committee is listed below. All receive the e-mails sent to All are listed on the Roster.

    John Greacen, Voting Member and Chair (Greacen Associates)+
    Roger Winters, Voting Member and Secretary (Washington State Administrator for the Courts)*
    John Messing, Voting Member, American Bar Association*
    Dave Marvit, Voting Member, Fujitsu*
    Debi Miller-Moore, Voting Member, Individual*
    Dallas Powell, Voting Member, Individual+
    Robin Gibson, Voting Member, Missouri Office of State Courts Administration+
    James Cabral, Voting Member, MTG Management Consultants, LLC*
    Donald Bergeron, Non-Voting Member, Reed Elsevier

    +At-large members elected by vote of the Member Section.
    * Representatives from Member Section Technical Committees, elected by the respective TCs.

    Daniel Greenwood, MIT, is listed as an Observer, but does not often attend conference calls.

    If you have parameters, format, or questions you'd like each of these people to address in writing or updating biographical statements on the OASIS site, please circulate them or ask me to do so. I can try to get bio statements from people in a reasonable timeframe, but would like to know of any deadline.

    Thank you,


    Roger Winters
    Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Coordinator
    Electronic Court Records Manager
    King County
    Department of Judicial Administration
    516 Third Avenue, E-609 MS: KCC-JA-0609
    Seattle, Washington 98104
    V: (206) 296-7838 F: (206) 296-0906