OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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  • 1.  fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax

    Posted 05-04-2018 17:58
    The spec says:   The format of fullyQualifiedLogicalName SHALL be consistent with the programming language in which the programmatic construct specified by that logical location was expressed. EXAMPLE 1: C: create_process EXAMPLE 2: C++: Namespace1::Class::Method(int, double) const && EXAMPLE 3: C#: Namespace1.Class.Method(string, int[]) But we’ve talked about loosening that SHALL because you had some examples where it didn’t make sense. (I placed a comment in the change draft for #145 to remind me to take this up with you.)   What’s the scenario where FQLN doesn’t match a programming language construct? Did it have to do with tools that analyzed in-memory object models rather than source code?   Larry

  • 2.  RE: fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax

    Posted 05-04-2018 18:31
    To provide examples, there’s no syntactic method in most languages for referencing things like method parameters, return values, or local variables within the method. In _javascript_, there’s no syntactic method for referring anonymous methods is another. For these examples, tooling typically needs to contrive a convention when referring to them in analysis output, within a debugger or profiling tool, etc.   From: Larry Golding (Comcast) <larrygolding@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 10:56 AM To: Michael Fanning <Michael.Fanning@microsoft.com>; sarif@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax Importance: High   The spec says:   The format of fullyQualifiedLogicalName SHALL be consistent with the programming language in which the programmatic construct specified by that logical location was expressed. EXAMPLE 1: C: create_process EXAMPLE 2: C++: Namespace1::Class::Method(int, double) const && EXAMPLE 3: C#: Namespace1.Class.Method(string, int[]) But we’ve talked about loosening that SHALL because you had some examples where it didn’t make sense. (I placed a comment in the change draft for #145 to remind me to take this up with you.)   What’s the scenario where FQLN doesn’t match a programming language construct? Did it have to do with tools that analyzed in-memory object models rather than source code?   Larry

  • 3.  RE: fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax

    Posted 05-04-2018 18:36
    Right, thanks. I’ll file an issue.   From: Michael Fanning <Michael.Fanning@microsoft.com> Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 11:31 AM To: Larry Golding (Comcast) <larrygolding@comcast.net>; sarif@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: RE: fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax   To provide examples, there’s no syntactic method in most languages for referencing things like method parameters, return values, or local variables within the method. In _javascript_, there’s no syntactic method for referring anonymous methods is another. For these examples, tooling typically needs to contrive a convention when referring to them in analysis output, within a debugger or profiling tool, etc.   From: Larry Golding (Comcast) < larrygolding@comcast.net > Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 10:56 AM To: Michael Fanning < Michael.Fanning@microsoft.com >; sarif@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: fullyQualifiedLogicalName syntax Importance: High   The spec says:   The format of fullyQualifiedLogicalName SHALL be consistent with the programming language in which the programmatic construct specified by that logical location was expressed. EXAMPLE 1: C: create_process EXAMPLE 2: C++: Namespace1::Class::Method(int, double) const && EXAMPLE 3: C#: Namespace1.Class.Method(string, int[]) But we’ve talked about loosening that SHALL because you had some examples where it didn’t make sense. (I placed a comment in the change draft for #145 to remind me to take this up with you.)   What’s the scenario where FQLN doesn’t match a programming language construct? Did it have to do with tools that analyzed in-memory object models rather than source code?   Larry